The Dream Of Joy

      I had a dream. In the dream I was somewhere in vast space. There was nothing... just space and a transparent darkness. In the distance, I could see a tiny speck of white. It was moving toward me. I could hear a rustling sound as soft as a snowflake. As the point of light grew closer to me it separated into a sprinkle of distinguishable parts. And then, when they were close enough I could see that the glowing objects were beautiful Angels. These gentle giants flew effortlessly by me and in musical harmony sent forth with their voices the directive "We are just messengers... prepare for great joy, God is coming this way."

      As the Angels passed on by, the universe was filled with millions of stars spinning and pulsing in rhythm with the song declaring that God is coming this way. Comets streaked by and the message was written in their tails "We are just messengers... prepare for great joy, God is coming this way."

      Then in the distance, a bright golden glow appeared. There was a rumbling sound that I could not hear with my ears but could feel in the center of my body! There was a warm feeling in my heart that seem to connect to the light in all directions and I felt a loving warmth and a building of joy and peace in the center of my being. When warmth and light it reached its peak I felt love and joy and a sense of the exact correctness of the existence and order of everything, and a peace that is indescribable.... As the light ebbed away the song clearly directed "I am just a messenger... prepare for great joy, God is coming this way."

Copyright © 1994 Charles Prier

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